

Founded: 2013

Offices: Dakar, Senegal and Irvine, California 



Domains of Intervention

Sustainable Development Education
Education about ways to end hunger, poverty, global warming and environmental degradation 

North-South University Partnerships in Higher Education
Reinforcement of local expertise through peer to peer sharing of knowledge to promote local decision making, shorter reaction to crises and closer partnerships with the concerned populations. 

Preservation of Cultural Heritage  
Preservation of local heritage and integration of the best of  traditional .African practices with appropriate modernization

Action Research Modeling of Sustainable Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
Training of local employees in skills necessary to lead and manage non-governmental organizations independently without need of help from the outside. 

1) Discover, learn, adapt and integrate best practices of indigenous Africa, its sciences, arts, technologies and traditions of good governance and wisdom in creating healthy, self-reliant ecovillage and eco-city communities, in respect to spiritual values​​, ecology , economy and society      
​2) Create and sustain the benefits of effective global responses to climate change and crises that threaten the planet in Africa and around the world,
